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This really shouldn't be an issue anymore.  DNA testing became common in the mid 1990's.  Following that, tests were done to determine if a baby inside the mother had human DNA and whether it was unique.  These tests proved not only that the unborn child had a complete set of human DNA, but that it did not match the mother's DNA.  In other words, these unborn children are separate human beings.  The testing of the unborn child's DNA showed the same results as testing of any human DNA - It contains a combination of the DNA profile of both the child's mother and father.

Of course, while we now know that the unborn child is a living human being, most people would agree that there are still many complex issues associated with an unwanted pregnancy.  Most complex topics have a core truth with associated issues that revolve around it.  The core truth is inviolable and non-negotiable.  Related to abortion, the sanctity of the life within the womb is a core truth.  Perhaps, once people stop denying the humanity of these unborn children, we can finally make progress on the associated issues.

I once wrote an article on the abortion issue.  It was written as a response to the arguments of pro-abortion groups and addresses some of the most common statements made by them over the years.  In the time since originally writing it, I have modified it to include new points.  Click here to read it.

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